The French And The Death of Queen Elizabeth II
Five dates are now on the list of important dates in the evolution of British political institutions. The 19th of September, the day world leaders gathered in London for the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II was the first date. The joint session of the House of Commons and the House of Lords on September 12 will be retained as the second date and the proclamation of Charles III as the King of the United Kingdom by the Accession Council on September 10 was a milestone in the History of Contemporary Britain. However, the fourth date was September 9,the day that Charles III made his first address to the nation and September 8 2022,the day the death of Queen Elizabeth II was announced will serve as a reference date to students of British/Commonwealth Studies.
The Evening of September 8 2022
RTL evening news opened with a news item related to the decision of Queen Elizabeth II to go to her Balmoral Castle residence for health reasons. Instantly, the news presenter called the London correspondent of the radio station for updates and these updates were followed with views from specialists. By 6:30 pm, it was announced that the evening news will be transformed into a special edition that was spiced with archival transmissions of her visits to France between 1957-2014.At about 7:35 pm, the London correspondent interrupted the radio presenter and hinted that the BBC has just announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II at her Balmoral Castle home that day.
Public reactions to the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II
From St Pancras railway station the London correspondent of RTL reported that people arrived at the station to see that flags were at half mast and when questioned on the death of the Queen, people expressed the feeling of losing a grandmother. People appreciated the Queen for her dignity, for her sense of duty and human qualities, was the reply of the former British ambassador to France in 2015 to the same question from a news presenter. That evening, the message of condolence by president Macron was disclosed, as well as the message of president Joe Biden, the prime minister of Canada and the declaration of Liz Truss the prime minister of Britain was translated on the spur of the moment and the special edition closed before mid night.