Why Attend A Book Fair?

Why attend a book fair if I am not a writer,a publisher or a book packager? The response to this question is very simple,if you like reading,if you like writing,if you like to meet literary people and if you like buying books.A book fair gives you that opportunity to know what is happening in the industry.


The Benefits of Book Fairs To Writers

To a writer there are many advantages.A visit to a book fair is a granular intelligence event,as it offers practical insights into the editorial needs of publishers.It gives the budding writer,the chance to discuss with professionals,consult with the organisers of writing workshops and to browse publishers catalogues.An occasion to ask publishers,questions relative to their manuscript selection formalities and whether they work exclusively with literary agents or not.Conferences and seminars facilitate contacts with reading clubs,adult education centers and literary societies use book fairs for membership drives.

Why Publishing Professionals Like Book Fairs

To a publisher the benefits to be derived from attending a book fair are enormous:By far the most important benefit is that opportunity to make foreign rights sales,to explore distribution opportunities,to interact with existing clients and to build a database of new customers.For big,small or independent book retailers,book fairs are for the sales of traditional and fast moving titles and the chance to build relations with trade associations.


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